
Funds of Heraldry Department of Governmental Senate and Ministry of Home Affairs of Russian Empire. Russian State Historical Archives, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Fund of Minsk Noble Deputy Assembly. National Historical Archives of Belarus in Minsk.

Address-calenders: Full list of headmen and other functionaries in all departments of Russian Empire. Part 1,2. St.Petersburg, 1826-1916.

S³ownik geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i innych Krajów S³owiañskich. Warszawa, 1880-1895 / Geografic Dictionary of Polish Kingdom and other Slavic lands.

Vilna province memorial book for 1900 year. Vilna, 1899.

All Irkutsk with Zabaikalskaia province chapter. Address and reference trade and industrial book for 1908 year. Irkutsk, 1908.

Russian historical library. Volume 30. Lithuanian metrics. Department 1-2. Part 3. Public affairs books. Volume 1. Petrograd, 1914.

Cyclopaedic dictionary. Under the editorship of B.Vvedenskiy. Moscow, 1954.

S.Górzyñski, J.Kochanowski. Herby szlachty polskiej. Warszawa, 1990 / Polish noble Coat of Arms.

P.Petrov. History of Russian Noble families. Moscow, 1991. (Reprinted).

S.Pushkarev. A survey of Russian history. Stavropol, 1993 (Zaria Publishing. 73 Biscay Road. London, Ontario, CANADA. 1987).

A.Narbut. Genealogy of Belorussia. Issues 2,4. Moscow, 1994,1996.

lvan Grezine. Inventaire nominatif des sepultures russes du cimetiere saint-genevieve-des-bois. Paris, 1995 / Alphabetical list of Russian burials in St.Genevieve de Bois cemetry.

P.Chigrinov. A survey of Belorussian history. Minsk, 2000.

Explanatory dictionary of Russian language by V.Dal ON-LINE, .

Up-to-date Russian family clans, .

Memory Book of Archangelsk provincial "Search" fund, .

Ma³y Herbarz Adama Kromera, .


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