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Naum Glasberg and his relatives, Paris, France
I am looking for the descendants and relatives of Naum Borisovich Glasberg (born 4 Jan 1874 in Mogilev-Podolski, died 2 May 1963 in Paris).
Naum's father, Beirische(Boris) Glasberg, and his family lived in Mogilev-Podolski, Imperial Russia, in second half of 19th century. He was involved in grain business, and committed suicide to avoid bankruptcy. He left sons Naum and Emmanuel, and daughters Mariam, Raisa and Rachel. My mother, Anna Moiseevna Danzig was the niece of Naum Borisovich Glasberg, the daughter of his sister Mariam.
In first marriage Naum had son Valentin (born 13 Jul 1901 in Baku, died 12 Feb 1986 in Paris).
In second marriage (with Anna Mikhailovna nee Kataurova, born 1875) he had sons Lev and Cyril. In 1918 Naum Glasberg and his family emigrated to France. In 1940, before Nazi occupied France, they moved to England.
Emmanuel Glasberg was a doctor, lived in Leningrad (Soviet Russia) and died there with his sister Rachel during the Nazi's siege in 1942.
As far as I know Naum Glasberg is burtied at St.Genevieve de Bois cemetry in Paris, as well as his wife Anna Mikhailovna Glasberg and son Valentin Glasberg.
I would like to establish contact with their relatives and descendants to share family history information.
Mark Davidovich Brilliant, St.Petersburg.
Searching for Peter KOLOTA b. 1888, son of John KOLOTA and Julia SEROKA, m.
Sophia LAPINSKI b. 1894 daughter of Mike LAPINSKI and Josephine GUSKI. They
were from "Strobna, Russia-Poland." Emigrated April 1904 via Bremen to
Baltimore and settled in Hudson NY.
Susan Kelley.
I'm looking for some relatives of my grandfather
who was born in St Petesburg on October 14 1886 his
mother's name was Barbara. He immigrated to Argentina
around 1900 and was killed in La Pampa province in
that country after coming back from a short trip to
Russia (St Petesburg) at the beginning of the WW1.
At that time he was working at the rail roads in Argentina
as a telegrapher. His name was Juan Andreli (not sure
that it was his real last name). Here is his picture.
Thank you,
Romiszewski / Romiszowski / Romaszowski / Remiszewski
In Polish: Buduję drzewo genealogiczne rodziny.
Poszukuję informacji o rodzine Romiszowskich herbu Jelita
(Romiszewskich, Romaszewskich, Remiszewskich - rozne warianty
pisowni) i kontaktów z członkami tej rodziny. Moi przodkowie
do 1920 roku zamieszkiwali Wolyn i Podole. Pradziadek Eugeniusz
mieszkał w Nowej Uszycy, miał liczne bracia i siostry (Helena,
Alina, Apolinary, Witalis, Mieczyslaw). Losy tego rodzeństwa
sa mi niestety nieznane.
In Inglish: I construct the family tree. I am looking
for the information about Romiszowski family of Coat of
Arms Jelita (Romiszewski, Romaszewski, Remiszewski - various
spelling) and contacts with it representatives. My ancestors
had been living in Volyn and Podolia before 1920's. Greatgrandfather
Eugeny lived in Nova Ushytsa, had several sisters and brothers
(Helena, Alina, Apolinary, Vitaly, Mieczyslaw). I want to
know about their destiny.
Thank you in advance,
Maciej Saryusz-Romiszewski.
In Polish: Interesuja mnie informacje o rodzinie
Danilowow. Praprababcia Maria Nikiforowna Danilowa, to corka
podpulkownika Nikifora Joachimowicza Danilowa z Tulczyna,
siostra Jurija Nikiforowicza Danilowa, generala z czasow
I Wojny Swiatowej (zmarl na emigracji we Francji w 1937
r.). Bede wdzieczny za wszelkie informacje.
In Inglish: I am intersted in the information about
the Danilovs. My greatgreatgrandmother Maria Nikiforovna,
the daughter of lieutenant colonel Nikifor Joahimovich Danilov
from Tulchin, was sister of Youriy Nikiforovich Danilov,
the general of WWI (he died in emigration in France in 1937).
Any information will be appreciated.
Thank you in advance,
Maciej Saryusz-Romiszewski.
Kvastchuk, Pluzhnikov, Nicolaytis, Lutsuk and Trostiansky
I'm searching for my husbands' ancestors and for relatives.
My husband's grand'father was Theodore Plouznikoff (or Pluzhnikov).
He was born in 1895 in Gra?voron(Russia). He was probably
related to Anastasia Plouznikoff, born in 1873 in Ostrogorsk,
Voronej (Russia). He was married to marie-Juliane Lutsuk(1900
kazatin, Ukraine). The grand'father immigrated in France
in the years 20. He may be a relative of Anastasia Pluzhnikov(1873,
Ostrogorsk- near Voronej) married to Wladimir Trostiansky
(1869, Ostrogorsk, Voronej). Their son was Jean-Jacques
Trostiansky 1895, Ostrogorsk). He moved to France in the
years 1920.
I'm also doing a genealogical research on my husband's maternal
ancestors. My husband's grandfather was Leon Kvastchuk(1904
Ciga fversnoi). He get married to Alexandrine Nicolaytis
(Kousins, Petrogradskaia 1908).
Could help me? Cordially,
Marie-France Plouznikoff, France.
Dehn, Iwan Iwanowicz
In Polish: Zbieram materiały do biografii generała
Iwana Iwanowicza Dehn /Den/, urodzonego w roku 1786 w Sippola
w guberni Wyborg, zmarłego w Warszawie w roku 1859, budowniczego
twierdz w Warszawie, Dęblinie, Modlinie, Brześciu Litewskim
i Kronsztadzie.
Proszę o listy po polsku, rosyjsku lub niemiecku. Pozdrawiam,
In Inglish: I search information about biography
of general Ivan Ivanovich Dehn/Den/, born in 1786 in Sippola
in Vyborg gubernia, died in Warsaw in 1859. He was the builder
of fortresses in Warsaw, Demblin, Modlin, Brest Lithuanian
and Kronstadt.
Please write me in Polish, Russian or German. Thank you
in advance,
Włodzimierz Kuźma, Poland.
Gedris / Tsaikovsky or Chajkowski
Seek relatives of Julia Gedris (born Vilnius late 1890s
) orphaned daughter of John Gedris and Josephine Tsaikovsky.
Parents died early 1900s Julia went to live in Saint Petersburg
Russia for a time with police man uncle. Then immigrated
to the USA early in 1914 to join Kizamira Tsaikovsky. Seek
information or relatives.
Theresa Webber.
Tarkhhanov / Rachette
In French: Les parents de Madame Elisavéta Yakovlevna
Tarkhanova (née Rachette le 20.04.1880 à Tiflis,
Russie), morte le 20.04.1962, enterrée à Sainte-geneviève-des-Bois
(Essonnes, France) sont recherchés par le petit-fils de
son frère Ivan Yakovlevitch Rachette .
In Inglish: I am looking
for descendants and relatives of my grandfather's Ivan Yakovlevitch
Rachette sister - Elisaveta Yakovlevna Tarkhanova (nee Rachette),
born 20.04.1880 in Tiflis (at that time a part of Russian
Empire). She died in 20.04.1962 and is buried at Sainte-genevieve-des-Bois
Cemetry (Essonnes, France).
Stanislav N. Rachette, St.Petersburg, Russia.
I'm looking for people with last name EVDOKIMOV. Everybody
who himself does or who's ancestors did bear such surname,
and who knows about people with the same name and their
family history, please write me
Vlad Dobbs. Chicago, IL, USA.
I am researching the name BOHUK my family members came
to the USA in 1911 from the port Hamburgh, Germany. Demetri
Bohuk and Stephen Bohuk. They each listed towns or villiages
they were from Cholopinize and Samostocie. I am unable to
find these towns. I have been told that one wrote letters
home to BULARCHUK or BOLARCHUK. I am not aware of the changing
or shortening of this name. i was told someone from "White
Russia" contacted family here but do not have a name.
Richard Malakuskie.
Fiderechet (Podoloski region) late 1800's to 1900
Would like to know if the name Fiderchet did exist in
the area - a Polish gentleman told me it was of German descent
and that Germans lived in the area around the time mentioned
Jackiewicz family from Vilnius
I need help in researching my family ancestry. My father,
Feliks Jackiewicz, came from Wilno (now Vilnius). His father
was Alexander Jackiewicz born in Wolkowysk, Poland and his
mother was Olimpia Cipka from Doniuszewo, Poland. If anyone
can help me I would deeply appreciate it. I want to pass
this down to my children.
Shoen (Schaen)
Am trying to find family of Nathan Shoen (changed name
to Schaen). He emigrated to the USA on about the 28th of
May, 1904 after leaving on the ship, "Bremen", out of the
port of Bremen, Germany. He was born in Ekaterinoslav, Russia
on September 28, 1873 and was married to Sophie (don't know
last name). They had three children born in Russia: Luba,
born March 16, 1898; Alexander, born April 16, 1901; and
Sarah, born November 18, 1903. We understand he was in the
military and chose to denounce Nicholas II as Emperor of
all the Russias. He and his family were Jewish. Does anyone
have any idea as to where to look for them?
Please get back to me as I am trying to help the family.
Thank you Sincerely,
Jan Beedle, 97 Beam Drive, Franklin, Ohio 45005,
I am searching for any Szweda relatives. My grandfather
is Peter Paul Szweda born in 1891. When he came to USA in
1910 he lived in Detroit, Michigan for eight years. He served
in the Haller's Army for 2 years, returned to USA in 1920
and lived the rest of his life in Pittsburgh, PA. His country
of origin was Poland and city on the Ellis Island database
states Michalowka. If any one has any information about
the Szweda's that are living please contact me.
Rhonda Gerber, USA.
I am desperately searching my anchestors from Russia.
One of my anchestor Mattve (Matti) Lesonen came to Finland
Suomussalmi, Finlandin early 1700 probably from Venehjarvi.
Matti's father was called Mattve Lesonen? You can find more
info about this family from my websites and directly about
Matti Lesonen from this page:
If you have any news about this person, please contact me.
Sari Mustonen, Kuopio, Finland.
Looking for information on Finnish originated family with
surname Iho in Estonia, Russia and Finland. The family Iho
lived in Carelian Isthmus, the county of Muolaa 1700-1944.
Riitta Valanto-Iho, Budapest, Hungary.
Von vorkampff Laue
I am looking for anyone or information regarding The family
Von vorkampff Laue originally from the Baltic states but
also spread into Russia. I am looking forward to connecting
with anyone.
Eric von vorkampff Laue.
Raffe / Raffe-Shkarovski
I am trying to locate decendants/relations of Arthur Raffe
/ Raffe-Shkaravoski wife Natashia, Artist Art Critic Author,
living in Moscow.
Nick Ashby, England.
Horowitz, Shore
I am researching my paternal great-grandparents. His name
was Jacob Horowitz (born May 15, 1888; died Jan. 13, 1955)
and her name was Sarah Goldie Shore (born July 4, 1894;
died May 4, 1974). I found them in the 1920 & 1930 US Fed
Census. In 1920 it said they were both from Russia and spoke
Russian and their parents were from Russia. It said they
came to the US in 1908. In the 1930 Census it still maintained
that they were from Russia as their parents were, but said
they spoke Yiddish and that Jacob came to the US in 1910
and Sarah came in 1912. I am very confused now! Sarah's
fathers name was Barnett Shore and listed her mother as
just Eva. From relatives I have heard stories of Sarah saying
she came here when she was 10 years old. While she was still
in Russia she told that she remembered being allowed to
play in the Palace with the children there (maybe the Czar's?,
I don't know.) I have also heard that she lived with her
grandparents not her parents. I am very interested in finding
out who her parents were, why she wasn't living with them
if this was true, and who here grandparents were. If anyone
can help me with information or leads to where I can find
information it will be greatly appreciated. Please respond
in English to my email.
Sarah L. Winkler.
I am looking for Schatz decendant's who lived at Strelna
near St. Petersburg. Some of the children of my 5th great
grandparents stayed in the Strelna area instead of emmigrating
to the Taurien Area to the Prischib Colonies. One who did
go South to the Prischib Colonies is supposed to have made
furniture for the Czar. They arrived in Strelna about 1812
the ones that emmigrated left Strelna in 1824 and 1826 for
the Prischib Colonies in the Taurien Area of Russia (now
the Ukraine).
Brian Schatz.
Podsedkowski / Podsenkowski / Podsendkowski
I am looking for information about ancestors. Podsedkowski
are nobles and they lived in Russia and Ukraine since 1700
until 1900. One of them was Michal Podsedkowski who lived
in gubernia Kiew round 1812. He`s ancestors lived around
in Ukraine, Grodno, Podlase and some other places. Are they
any alive today?
Zenek Granstedt-Podsedkowski, Sweden
Yakubson (Vilna)
I am looking for more information on Benjamin Vulf [Vladimir
Romanovich] Yakubson from Vilna. He was born in Vilna in
1861, graduating from the Vilna First gymnazia in 1882.
He became a lawyer and ultimately represented Slonim, Grodno
gubernia in the First Imperial Duma in 1906. He was one
of 12 Jewish Deputies in the First Duma.
When pogroms broke out in Bialystock, he was appointed
to a commission charged to investigate the incidents. Upon
his return, he accused the Czars' own forces of being behind
the unrest.
Benjamin Vulf Yakubson was ultimately sent to prison for
three months along with other members of the First Duma.
Joel Ratner, Newton, Massachusetts
Olga Sofia Matilda Broschet born 1890-12-15 in St.Petersburg/Russia.
Married in Stockholm Bertil Leonard Persson, when I do not
know. Either way, what I am looking for is to find her family
in Russia, who her father was etc. What civil status they
Mikael, Sweden
I am looking for information on Mikhail Ivanovich Somov's
relatives. He was the brother of Andrei Ivanovich Somov,
the father of Konstantin A. Somov. Konstantin Andreevich
Somov born 1869 died in 1939 in Paris. He was an artist.
His father, Andrei Ivanovich Somov was curator of the Hermitage,
and an artist in his own right. Andrei Ivanovich had a brother
Michail Ivanovich Somov. I have not been able to find out
whether Michail Ivanovich Somov got married, to whom, and
if he had children, their names, and when and where Michail
Ivanovich Somov died. I have read the biography of Osip
Ivanovich Somov (the elder brother of Andrei) by T. Nikiforova,
and Mir Hudozhnika - Konstantin Andreevich Somov (letters,
diaries etc).
Any help would be appreciated.
Natasha Petersen
Smiatacz / Śmiatacz
In Polish: Poszukuję wszelkich informacji o osobach
noszących nazwisko "Smiatacz" bądź "Śmiatacz". W szczególności
o krewnych i powinowatych Józefa Smiatacza mieszkającego
w okolicach Petersburga na początku XX wieku.
Za każdą informację na temata członków tej rodziny będę
In English: I am looking for family members of Jozef
Smiatacz, living at the beginning of the 20th century
in St. Petersburg. I would be grateful for any help given.
Piotr Smiatacz, Gdańsk, Poland
Binembaum birth certificates from Brest, Belarus
My father (Jackal Binembaum) and my uncle (Gimann Binembaum)
were born in Brest-Litovsk on or about June 8, 1904 and
March 1, 1906 respectively. Their parents were Anshel and
Ciwze Binembaum. They both emigrated to the United States
in 1911. They are both now deceased.
How can I get a copy of their birth certificates?
Larry Schenker, Los Angeles, CA.
If you hold this last name, please send me an e-mail. My
great aunt fled to France in 1917. She wrote us from the 19
district of Paris in 1950's. She was an actress. Her maiden
name was Vibelius.
Olga Zavaruev, Russia
Searching for Coltey, Patrick b/Dec 25 1959
Ann Coltey
Gnida, Skrowonek
I am looking for relatives of Maria Gnida who was forced
to leave Hindenburg, Poland (now Zabrze, Poland) during winter
of 1944-1945 in the time of WWII. My Grandmother had three
cilidren Charlotte, Edeltraud and the youngest Rosemarie.
My grandmother's maiden name was Skrowonek. Grandfather Eduerd
Gnida stayed behind and was declared dead. Any information
is appreciated.
Hannelore Perkins
I am seeking information on the Kramarev family.
Natasha Jones, Bayswater North, Australia
I am searching for info about my grandfather's family. Grandfather
was born in St-Peterburg 1920.01.06. His name is Victor Abramson.
He is alife now. He had two brothers (Alexandr & Konstantin)
& three sisters (Tatiana, Nadejda & Antonina). Theirs mother
Agrafena Muhina died in 1922 in Petrograd (Vasilievsky il.).
His father's name was David (Fedor (?)) Abramson. David had
four brothers: Nahum (member(?) of Russian-Asia Bank, lived
in Petrograd in 1917 in Svechnoy, 9 had wife Mary), Anatoliy
(economist, lived in Leningrad in 1934 in Crestovsky il. r.Meedl
Nevka, 16), Alexandr (doctor, lived in Leningrad in 1934 in
Kovensky, 21-3) & Boris (lived in Novosibirsk (?)) Their father
Victor Abramson lived in Peterburg in 1898. (Fontanka, 68
(?))/ I don`t have any information about them...
I will be gratefull for any answer. Thanks for yours attention!
Please if You can, write in English.
Daria Vyatkina (Baskakova), St-Petersburg, Russia
Rurikid and Gedimin Princes
I am searching for males who are suspecting their Rurikid
descent and who could participate in my genetic program "Rurikid
Dynasty DNA Project"
By studying 19th century colour portraits of those males,
who, undoubtedly, belonged to the Rurikid dynasty, I noticed
that they have oval heads, straight noses, dark-to-black (usually
black) hair, and BY ALL MEANS they should experience the BALDING
pattern (i.e. that they should be losing their hair from their
FOREHEADS (not from top of head, but just from the forehead),
also in a relatively young age). Their eyes should be (grey)-blue
or eventually (grey)-green. However, a certain mutation here
could have occurred in the 1st half of 20th century. I have
records from some people declaring that they have got (light)-brown
eyes, while all their male ancestors have got blue ones, respectively.
Since there are no proofs that the Gediminovichs were (or
were not) a branch in the Rurikid dynasty, males who are suspecting
their descent from Gedimin are also wellcomed in this project.
Males who would like to take part in my project are kindly
requested to reach me at in English, Polish
or Russian.
Andrzej Bajor, Poland
E-mail WWW
Tyamushev (Tyamoushev)
I’m looking for people who themselves bear surname Tyamushev
(Tyamoushev) or anybody who has information about my ancestors
with above mentioned surname for creation of the family tree.
I was born in Litin city (Ukraine, Vinnica region) where my
ancestors old believers migrated from Velikiy Novgorod in
1748. Nowadays I live in Saint-Petersburg and am very fond
of restoration of the history of my kin as well as of creation
of the genealogical tree. I’d appreciate any information about
my ancestors and thank you very much for your assistance.
Sergey Ivanovich Tyamushev, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
I am looking for people with the surname mentioned above. I am especially
interested in any information about mr Friedrich Johann Leeping who
probably lived in St Petersburg about 1875-1898, when he is said to have
died there. Anything about people with the surname Leeping is of interest.
Bengt Mether, Finland.
Olczyk, Kovalis, Kowalis, Smailys, Smailis
Looking for any information for the surnames Olczyk, Kovalis, Kowalis, Smailys, Smailis or
similar. My ancestors came to St.-Petersburg at the 19 century from territories now belonging to
Poland and Lithuania. Andrey Gorbachev, Moscow, Russia
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