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    Lists & Indexes


    We have published more than 480 lists of persons, personal indexes and databases on our Portal. This page represents direct links to these lists and indexes. All of them except specified are in Russian language.

    To get English spelling of names you may use online translators/transliterators like:


    General lists

    Chiefs of the supreme central governmental institutiones of Russian Empire

    Governors of Russian empire

    Bearers of the Order of Saint Georgi Pobedonosets of 1st and 2nd Class

    The list of commanders of a squadron of admiral F.F.Ushakov of year 1799.

    Persons released from supervision of police due to the Highest command of May 13/17, 1871

    Awarded, killed, injured, contused Generals, staff and ober- officers, doctor, hospital attendants, nurses and the outstanding soldiers of Russian-Turkish War 1877-1878.

    Officers and soldiers of 125 Kursk infantry regiment (up to 1863 named Minsk infantry regiment)

    Burials of Russian soldiers in Japan 1904-1905

    Index of commanders and senior officers of the Baltic Navy of World War I

    Russian heroes and the victims of world war 1914

    Official and service records of state employees of the Russian empire

    The nobility of Russian empire. Princes (descendants of Riurik)

    List of the titled nobility of the Polish origin

    Surname index from the book "M.M. Krom. Between Russia and Lithuania"

    Database: The Noble families confirmed in Grodno, Minsk, Mogilev, Vitebsk and Smolensk governments of Russian Empire

    Index of the nobility surnames of the generation records published in the Nobility Calendar

    Index of surnames mentioned in Issue 9 of the Nobility Calendar

    Military and navy clergy in 1905

    Court clergy in 1914

    Members of the Russian Genealogical Society

    The surnames research by the members of the Russian genealogical society

    The alphabetic index to 1-9 issues of News of Russian Genealogical Society

    Alphabetical index to issue 12 of News of Russian Genealogical Society

    Alphabetical index to issue 13 of News of Russian Genealogical Society

    Surname index to issues 1-6 of Genealogical Herald

    Surname index to 7-12 issue of Genealogical Herald

    Surname index to genealogy of Blagovo family

    List if surnames became related with Hasselblatt family

    Russian grenadiers of Alexandrovka colony in Potsdam, Germany

    Chiefs, commanders and officers of Riga dragoon regiment, and their biographies

    Commanders and officers of 91st Dvina regiment, and their biographies

    List of Evangelical-Lutheran Clergy in Russia and Poland for 1914 (in German)

    List of Evangelical-Reformed Clergy in Russia and Poland for 1914 (in German)

    Lists of religious Benedictine order in Russia for 1843 (in Latin)

    Lists of religious order of Dominicans in Lithuania and Russia for 1856 (in Latin)

    Lists of religious order of Trinitarians in Russia for 1842 (in Latin)

    The Soviet Union admirals and navy generals during World War II (1941-1945)


    Regional lists

    Lists of Catholic Clergy of Augustow eparchy for 1867 (in Latin)

    Graguates of the Alatyr ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Alatyr diocesan female college

    Graduates of Aleksander missionary ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates jf Arzamas ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Arkhangelsk ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Arkhangelsk ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Arkhangelsk diocesan female college

    Graduates of Astrachan ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Astrachan ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Astrachan diocesan female college

    Graduates of Balashov ecclesiastical college

    Graduated of Barnaul ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Bahmut ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Bezhetsk ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Belgorod ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Belgorod diocesan female college

    Graduates of Belevsk ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Belevsk diocesan female college

    Graduates of Belozersk ecclesiastical college

    Families which genealogies published in "Genealogy of Belarus"

    Graduates of Bel'sk ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Biisk missionary catechistic college

    Graduates of Biriuchensk ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Blagovestchensk ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Blagovestchensk ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Blagovestchensk diocesan female college

    Graduates of Bodbiisk pedagogical church college

    Graduates of Borovsk ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Buguruslan ecclesiastical college

    Ancient seignioral genealogies

    Graduates of theological (orthodox) faculty of Varshava University

    Graduates of Varshave ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Velikii Lutsk ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Velikii Ustiug ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Veliki Ustiug female diocesan college

    Graduates of 1st Vilna Gymnasium

    Graduates of 2nd Vilna Gymnasium

    Graduates of Vilna Pedagogical college

    Graduates of Vilna orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Vitebsk Gymnasium

    Graduates of Vitebsk orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Vitebsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Vifan orthodox ecclesiastical seminary List 1   List 2

    Graduates of Vladikavkaz orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Vladikavkaz orthodox diocesan female college

    Graduates of Vladikavkaz Ossetic Olginski female asylum with college

    Graduates of Vladimir province Gymnasium

    Graduates of Vladimir orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Vladimir orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Vladimir diocesan female college

    Graduates of Vologda province Gymnasium

    Graduates of Vologda orhtodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Vologda orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Vologda orthodox diocesan female college

    Clergymen of Vologda diocese (bibliorgaphy)

    Graduates of Volokolamsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Volin' orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Volin' orthodox ecclesiastical female college

    Graduates of Vol'sk orhtodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Voronezh orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Voronezh orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Voronezh diocesan female college

    Graduates of Voronezh diocesan psalm college

    Graduates of Vyazma orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Vyazma orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Vyatka orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Vyatka diocesan female college

    Graduates of Galich orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Glazovsky orthodox eccleziastical college

    Graduates of Gory orthodox eccleziastical college

    Georgian generals (1699-1921)

    Graduates of Dankovsky orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Alphabetical index of Don nobility surnames

    Graduates of Don orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Don missionary college

    Graduates of Don Novocherkassk diacesan female college

    Graduates of Edinets orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Elisavetgrad orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Ekaterinburg orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Ekaterinburg diocesan female college

    Graduates of Ekaterinodar orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Ekaterinodar diacesan female college

    Graduates of Ekaterinoslavl' orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Ekaterinoslavl' orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Ekaterinoslavl' diocesan female college

    Ekaterinoslavl' clergy in 1914 (all religions)

    Graduatos of Efremov orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Zhitomir orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Zabaikalsk diocesan female college

    Graduates of Zadonsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Zaraisk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Zvenigorod orhtodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Zolotonosha theological Krasnogorsk diocesanfemale college

    Graduates of Izmail orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Illuktsk orthodox ecclesiastical female college

    Graduates of Imeretia Gavriil's diocesan female college

    Graduates of Irkutsk orthodox eccleziastical seminary

    Graduates of Irkutsk orhtodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Irkutsk orthodox ecclesiastical female college

    Graduates of Irkutsk orthodox pedagogical seminary

    Graduates of Ishim orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Kazan ecclesiastical academy

    Graduates of messionary classes of Kazan orthodox ecclesiastical academy

    Graduates of Kazan orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Kazan orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Persons that contributed by one-time donation to the eternal capital of Kaluga female charitable society (1841)

    Kaluga citizens(meshchians) intended to be listed as recruits in 1841

    Kaluga citizens(meshchians) searched for hiding from recruit duty in 1841

    Kaluga citizens(meshchians) searched for hiding from recruit duty in 1842

    Kaluga citizens(meshchians) searched for hiding from recruit duty in 1843

    Kaluga citizens(meshchians) searched for hiding from recruit duty in 1844

    Kaluga merchants of the 3rd guild that did not announce the capital in 1846 and excluded into citizens(meshchians)

    Kaluga merchants of the 3rd guild that did not announce the capital in 1847 and excluded into citizens(meshchians)

    Kaluga citizens(meshchians) searched for hiding from recruit duty in 1848

    Kaluga citizens(meshchians) assigned in the 10th particular list of recruits. 1853

    Kaluga citizens(meshchians) listed amoung recruits in the second half of 1855

    Kaluga citizens(meshchians) that did not pay taxes in 1856

    Kaluga householders whose houses were let on hire for arrears. 1859

    Kaluga housing comission defaulters, 1859

    Kaluga citizens(meshchians) searched for hiding from draft, 1863

    Kaluga citizens(meshchians) searched for hiding from draft,1864

    Kaluga citizens(meshchians) searched for hiding from draft,1865

    Kaluga citizens(meshchians) searched for hiding from draft,1870

    Kaluga citizens(meshchians) draftees in 1865

    Kaluga citizens(meshchians),transfered into workers in 1867

    People that had right to vote in Kaluga town elections in 1870

    Kaluga citizens(meshchians) draftees in 1870

    Kaluga citizens(meshchians) transfered into workers in 1870

    People that had right to vote in Kaluga town elections in 1875

    Graduates of Kaluga vocational college

    People that had right to vote in Kaluga town elections in 1879

    List of Kaluga citizens(meshchians) draftees in 1879, that were not subscribed to Kaluga induction station

    Tavern owners in Kaluga in 1879

    List of members of Kaluga medicine society

    Jurymen of Kaluga region

    Those, who have the right to participate in Kaluga town elections in 1875

    Voting list in Kaluga for 1907

    Graduaters of Kaluga female grammar school

    Students of Kaluga vocational college (September 1905)

    Students of Kaluga vocational college, that left before completing six year course (up to September 15, 1905)

    Students of Kaluga vocational school, that attended the additional course, but left before completing the course

    Employees of Kaluga vocational college

    Graduates of Kaluga orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Kaluga orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Kaluga female grammar school

    Graduates of Kaluga diocesan female college

    Kaluga necropolis

    Graduates of Kamenets-Podolsk grammar school

    Lists of Catholic Clergy of Kamenets eparchy for 1847 (in Latin)

    Graduates of Kamenets orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Kamishin orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Kamishlovsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Kargopol orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Kasimov orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Kasimov merchants at the end of XVIII - beginning of XX century

    Graduates of Kashin orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Kiev ecclesiastical academy

    Graduates of Kiev ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Kiev Podolski orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Kiev Sofia's orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of the 1st Kiev female orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Clergy of Kiev in 1914 (all confessions)

    Graduates of Kineshemsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Kishiniov ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Kishiniov orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Kishiniov preliminary grammar school

    Graduates of Kishiniov diocesan female college

    Graduates of Klevansk orthodox orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Kozelsk female orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Kolomensk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Family trees of Komi region clergy

    Graduates of Kostroma ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Kostroma orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Krasnoholm orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Krasnojarsk ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Krasnojarsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Krasnojarsk diocesan female college

    Graduates of Kremenetsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Kupiansk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Kurgan orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Kursk waywodes from 1597

    People mentioned in Kursk customs books of 17 century

    Graduates of Kursk ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Kursk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Kursk diocesan female college

    Graduates of Kursk Alexander's diocesan female college asylum

    Graduates of Kutaisi orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Lagin diocesan female college

    Graduates of Livny orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Noble families of Lida district

    Graduates of Lipetsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Lithuanian orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Employees of Lithuanian orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Lubensk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Lubensk diocesan female college

    Graduates of Liskov orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Makarievsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    East Ukrainian (Small-Russian/Malorossiyskie) noble families

    Graduates of Mariupol orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Mariupol diocesan female college

    Graduates of Meletsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Meschovsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Mingrel orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Minsk vicarious rulers and waywodes

    Lists of Roman-Catholic Clergy of Minsk eparchy for 1843 (in Latin)

    Officials of Minsk gubernia in 1900

    Lists of Roman-Catholic Clergy of Mogilev eparchy for 1810 (in Latin)

    Lists of Roman-Catholic Clergy of Mogilev eparchy for 1923 (in Latin)

    Clergy of Odessa in 1914 (all confessions)

    Graduates of Ozurget orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Index of names for Memory books of Olonets government

    Graduates of Olonets grammar school

    Graduates of Olonets orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    List of Clergy of Olonets government for 1904 including parochial schools and all confessions

    Graduates of Olonets diocesan female college

    Graduates of Omsk diocesan female college

    Graduates of Orenburg orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Orenburg orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Orel orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of the 1st Orel orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of the 2nd Orel orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Orel diocesan female college

    Graduates of Ostashkov orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Pavlovsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of the model school of Penza diocesan female college

    Graduates of Perejaslavl orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Perejaslavl orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Perm' orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Perm' orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Outstanding people of Saint Petersburg in 1703-2003

    General-governors, civil-governors, town-governors of Saint-Petersburg - Petrograd

    Graduates of Tsarskoie Selo liceum (Petersburg)

    Lists of Clergy of St.Petersburg eparchy for 1867

    Graduates of Petersburg orthodox ecclesiastical academy

    Graduates of Petrograd theological institute

    Graduates of Petersburg(since 1914 Petrograd) orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Alexander Nevsky Antonii orthodox ecclesiastical college in Petersburg

    Graduates of Isidor diocesan female college (Peterburg)

    Database: An alphabet of Petersburg and the suburbs' citizens for year 1917

    Graduates of Perervinsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Petrovsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Petrozavodsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Pinsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Podolsk orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Polotsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Poltava orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Poltava orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Poltava diocesan female college

    Graduates of Porhovo orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Pochinok orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Poshehonsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Privorotsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Pskov grammar school

    Graduates of Pskov orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Pskov orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Pskov diocesan female college

    Graduates of Rannenburg orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Rzhev diocesan female college

    Graduates of Riga orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Riga orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Romensk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Roslavl'orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Rostov Dimitry's orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Clergy of Rostov-on Don in 1914 (all confessions)

    Graduates of Rilsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    The nobility of Ryazan' province (Abaza - Besstuzhev-Riumins)

    Graduates of Ryazan'orthodox ecclesiastical seminary List 1   List 2

    Graduates of Ryazan orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Samara orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Samara diocesan female college

    Graduates of Sapozhkov orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Saratov orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Saratov orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Saratov Ioannkievsky diocesan female college

    Graduates of the 2nd Saratov diocesan female college in Vol'sk

    Saratov town necropolis

    Graduates of Sevsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Sibir' orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Simbirsk diocesan female college

    Graduates of Simferopol orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Ancient Smolensk boyars

    Register of 1674 of former Smolensk citizens who were settled and provided land near Kazan'

    Graduates of Smolensk orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Smolensk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Smolensk diocesan female college

    Graduates of Soligalich orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Solikamsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Stavropol orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Stavropol' orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Stavropol diocesan female college

    Graduates of Staritsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Starodubsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Stary Oskol orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Suzdal orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Sumy orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Syzran' orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Tavrida orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Tavrida diocesan female college

    Graduates of Tambov orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of the 1st Tambov orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Tambov Serafim's orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Tambov diocesan female college

    Graduates of Tver' orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Tver' orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Tver' diocesan female college

    Graduates of Telavi orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Tiflis orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Tiflis orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Tiflis Ioann Kievsky diocesan female college

    Graduates of Tobol'sk orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Tobol'sk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Tobol'sk diocesan female college

    Graduates of Tomsk orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Tomsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Tomsk diocesan female college

    Graduates of Toropets orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Totem orthodox ecclesiastical college

    List of nobility families of Troki (Trakaj) district

    Graduates of Tula orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Tula orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Tula diocesan female college

    Graduates of Tul'chinsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Uglich orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Uman' orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Ust'- Medveditsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Ust'-Sisol orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Ufa orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Ufa orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Ufa diocesan female college

    Graduates of Kharkov orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Kharkov orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Kharkov diocesan female college

    Clergy of Kharkov in 1914 (all confessions)

    Graduates of Kherson gimnasium

    Graduates of Kherson orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Holm orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Holm orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Small armorial of Holopenicze gentry

    Graduates of Cheliabinsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Cherkassy orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Chernigov orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Chernigov diocesan female college

    Graduates of Chistopol orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Chita orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Shargorod ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Shatsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Shuisk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Yakutsk orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Yakutsk orthodox ecclesiastical college

    Graduates of Yakutsk diocesan female college

    Graduates of Yaroslavl orthodox ecclesiastical seminary

    Graduates of Yaroslavl orthodox ecclesiastical college

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